Creating and Leading a Higher Performing Enrollment Team

8 Week Program

Who is the program for and what will it help your team to do?

Our Creating and Leading a High Performing Enrollment Team Program is built for anyone who has direct reports and is responsible for driving institutional revenue through new enrollment.

We teach you all the things you need to know about creating a compliant culture that drives results and a memorable student experience.

We work with you side by side to teach you all the things they should have taught you when you got promoted, but didn’t.

Does the thought of having a difficult conversation with an employee make you cringe?

Do you want to hide your eyes when you pull up your enrollment reports because they just seem to keep going down?

Do you want to learn how to forecast and project confidently and accurately?

Is there no system of compliant accountability that helps you develop the skills of your team?

We will teach you all of that and so much more.

What Kind of Measurable Impact Can We Expect from this Coaching?

The goal of this program is to provide leaders with resources and examples to understand how to connect and execute on quantitative and qualitative priorities that lead to results. We teach your leaders the skills and provide the tools that will support them in coaching each person on their team individually to reach their maximum potential. Our model helps leaders multiply an increase of 3%-10% conversion per Counselor across their entire team. Think about what kind of impact that improvement in skill set and increase in conversion would have on your institution. Want to know more specifics?

The competencies your leaders will develop during this program will help them to:

  • The ability to create strong morale and instill belief spirit in his/her team around a collective vision
  • Understand how to identify and can help employees overcome barriers to success and embrace new behaviors that impact performance
  • Foster the ability for leaders to think critically and strategically in developing quantitative and qualitative performance management tools focused on aligning strategy and driving performance.
  • Providing the tools + coaching support to help each leader develop their customized coaching approach, content and a structure got implementation to contribute to the business need
  • Develop an understanding and capability to ensure training and coaching work is being implemented in alignment with department initiatives and overall performance objectives that support employee growth, skill development, partner service expectations and the overall student experience.
  • The approach we take with our leaders helps them to connect the “art” of the student conversation with the “science” of the data. We will ensure your leaders understand how to gather, assess and diagnose skill development opportunities from individual performance data.
  • Leaders will develop the skill and confidence to provide a real time analysis of Counselor performance by learning how to understand patterns in quantitative and qualitative data to customize and target coaching that will improve the student experience and overall performance outcomes.

Hear from REAL people, who have gone through our program and gotten REAL results.

Join Us and See the Difference. In your Conversation AND your Confidence.

What is Included?

  • 8 Weeks of Guided Interactive Group Coaching (60 Minutes)

  • 90 Day Access to the Companion Course + All Digital Learning Materials (materials, workbooks, videos, podcasts and role play scenarios ) designed specifically for the Enrollment Professional who needs support in performance management, hiring, firing, coaching and driving results. 

  • (1) Individual Personal Training Session Post Course with a U School Coach to address any specific questions, offer individualized coaching and provide recommendations for next steps.

  • Our programs are facilitated with a “Train the Trainer Approach,” so your leaders can take this back to your teams for seamless and impactful implementation

What is the Return on Investment (ROI)? 

  • We implement a course + coaching model so your team has the support they need to apply the learning to your institution and translate their time and your investment into real time results, just like pressing a button!

  • Send your team off to training every single week…right from the comfort of their desk and minus any travel expense

  • The weekly group coaching model creates space for your team to network, learn and implement simultaneously different than off site one time or couple day training where you hope they retain something from the thousands of dollars you spent sending them away 

  • Pay per employee to keep the expense manageable and hopefully minimize the red tape and approval process

How Does the Program Work?

  • We run two cohorts per year, strategically placed at times to have an impact on your Fall and Spring Enrollment

  • The program is guided by a U School Coach and lasts for 8 Weeks

  • Our Weekly Group Coaching Sessions are designed to engage everyone on the call, build off the previous week’s session with real life application practicing skills learned each week on actual student phone calls 

  • Our Cohorts are limited to 40 people to ensure we are creating a robust environment for coaching and learning.